Postdocs, Students & Staff

2023-24 Academic Year

Shiro Furuya

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Social Genomics and Place of Birth


McKenna Goetz

Credentials: Graduate Student, La Follette School of Public Affairs

Topic: Mortality and EHR data

Suvir Grover

Credentials: Undergraduate Student

Economics/Genetics, Topics: Mental Health

Manisha Jain

Credentials: Graduate Student

Economics, Topic: Machine Learning and Mortality

Jinho Kim

Credentials: Visiting Faculty

Topics: Place and Health Daniel Ramirez Smith (Starting January 2024); Post Doc, Demography/Sociology, Topic: Uncovering Life Course Constellations of Exposures through Big Data on Place, Time, and Family Factors

Michael Lebenbaum

Credentials: Postdoctoral Fellow

Alex Natanson

Credentials: Graduate Student, Applied Economics

Daniel Ramirez Smith

Credentials: (Starting January 2024); Post Doc

Demography/Sociology, Topic: Uncovering Life Course Constellations of Exposures through Big Data on Place, Time, and Family Factors

Jiaxin Shi

Credentials: Post Doc

Demography, Topic: Uncovering Life Course Constellations of Exposures through Big Data on Place, Time, and Family Factors

Michael Topping

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Karin Wu

Credentials: Graduate Student, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Boyan Zheng

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Social Genomics

NIA P30 Supplement