2020–21 Academic Year

Postdocs, Students & Staff

Joseph Clark

Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher

Position title: Social Genomics

CDHA T32 Training Grant

Leah Foltman

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Shiro Furuya

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Social Genomics and Place of Birth


Katie Jajtner

Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher

Position title: Intergenerational Mobility

CDHA T32 Training Grant

Katie Jajtner

Credentials: Assistant Scientist

Position title: Intergenerational Mobility/Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Won-Tak Joo

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Networks and Health/Genealogy


Molly Paras

Credentials: Undergraduate Student, Biomedical Engineering

Position title: Siblings, How They Shape Us

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Hans Schwarz

Credentials: Graduate Student, Economics

Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Alexa Siegel

Credentials: Undergraduate Student, Statistics

Position title: Siblings, How They Shape Us

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Logan Silva

Credentials: Undergraduate Student, Psychology

Position title: Siblings, How They Shape Us

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Michael Topping

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Anna Veenendall

Credentials: Undergraduate Student, Neurobiology and Psychology

Position title: Siblings, How They Shape Us

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Joanna Venator

Credentials: Graduate Student, Economics

Position title: Reproductive Health

Anonymous Donor/CORE

Gracie Venechuk

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Life Course

CDHA T32 Training Grant

Yuchang Wu

Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher

Position title: Social Genomics

Applying Biodemographic Methods to Advance Our Understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease

Wei Xu

Credentials: Assistant Scientist

Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health


Yuexuan Xu

Credentials: Graduate Student, Population Health Sciences

Position title: Gene-Environment Interactions in HRS

CDHA Pilot Grant

Boyan Zheng

Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology

Position title: Social Genomics

NIA P30 Supplement