11th Annual Midwest Health Economics Conference (MHEC)
September 17–18, 2020 (virtual)
CDHA 20th Anniversary Symposium, UW–Madison, December 13, 2019
Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC) Annual Research Conference, UW–Madison, September 5–6, 2019
Genetics and Social Science
Frontiers in Economic Analysis with Genetic Data Conference, UW–Madison, November 18–19, 2021
NIA Aging Centers’ Collaborative Methods Workshop Series: Integrating Biological and Social Science into Health and Aging Research
February 12, 2021 (virtual)
Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences (IGSS) Conferences
Boulder, Colorado:
Disciplinary Perspectives on Gene-Environment Interactions: Economics, Sociology, and Political Science, Columbia University, May 9, 2012
Exploring the Relevance of Gene-Environment Interactions Conference, Yale University, April 16, 2012
New Approaches to Child Development and Risky Behavior Research: Gene-Environment Interactions and Epigenetics, Columbia University, January 30, 2012
Examining Gene-Environment Interactions in the Social Sciences, Columbia University, May 20, 2011