Postdocs, Students & Staff
Shubhashrita Basu
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher, CDHA
Position title: Impacts of Place on Aging Processes
Shiro Furuya
Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology
Position title: Social Genomics and Place of Birth
Katie Jajtner
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher
Position title: Intergenerational Mobility
CDHA T32 Training Grant
Hamid Noghanibehambari
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher, CDHA
Position title: Health Economics and Health Services Research
Hans Schwarz
Credentials: Graduate Student, Economics
Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health
Logan Silva
Credentials: Undergraduate Student, Psychology
Position title: Siblings, How They Shape Us
Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
Michael Topping
Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology
Position title: Place of Birth and Old Age Health
Gracie Venechuk
Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology
Position title: Life Course
CDHA T32 Training Grant
Yuchang Wu
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher
Position title: Social Genomics
Applying Biodemographic Methods to Advance Our Understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease
Yuexuan Xu
Credentials: Graduate Student, Population Health Sciences
Position title: Gene-Environment Interactions in HRS
CDHA Pilot Grant
Yan Zhang
Credentials: Postdoctoral Researcher, CDHA
Position title: Impacts of Place on Aging Processes
Boyan Zheng
Credentials: Graduate Student, Sociology
Position title: Social Genomics
NIA P30 Supplement